Empowering Inclusion with an AI-powered translator for Indian Sign Language
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Ankit Jindal is the founder and CEO of Incluistic Private Limited, the company behind the innovative sign language translation platform, SIGNER.AI. Ankit is a person with vision disabilities and has been actively involved in disability advocacy and social enterprises. He holds an MBA from FMS-Delhi and has over 16 years of corporate experience. Ankit has been invited to speak at events hosted by the United Nations and the Government of India, and is committed to using his skills and expertise to create solutions that improve the lives of people with disabilities.

Kanika Jindal is a co-founder of Incluistic Private Limited, the company behind SIGNER.AI. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arts from Delhi University and is responsible for managing the operations of the company. With a diverse work-experience administration, Kanika brings a wealth of experience to the team and is instrumental in the smooth running of the company. In addition to her role at Incluistic, Kanika is also passionate about disability advocacy and works to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society.